Global Leading University
Analog & RF Circuit and System Research Center


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4 H. Kang, H. Lee, H. Oh, W. Lee, C. Park, K. Hwang, K. Lee, and Y. Yang Symmetric Three-Way Doherty Power Amplifier for High Efficiency and Linearity IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems: II vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 862-866 2017.08 SCI MCS
3 H. Lee, W. Lim, W. Lee, H. Kang, J. Bae, C. Park, K. Hwang, K. Lee, and Y. Yang Compact Load Network for GaN-HEMT Doherty Power Amplifier IC Using Left-Handed and Right-Handed Transmission Lines IEEE Microwave and WIreless Components Letters vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 293-295 2017.03 SCI MCS
2 H. Oh, W. Lee, H. Lee, H. Koo, S. Oh, K. Hwang, K. Lee, C. Park, and Y. Yang A Better Balun? Done The Design of a 4:1 Wideband Balun Using a Parallel-Connected Transmission-Line Balun IEEE Microwave Magazine vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 85-90 2017.01 SCIE MCS
1 H. Lee, J. Kwon, W. Lim, W. Lee, H. Kang, K. Hwang, K. Lee, C. Park, and Y. Yang Optimized Current of the Peaking Amplifier for Two-Stage Doherty Power Amplifier IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Techniques vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 209-217 2017.01 SCI MCS