Global Leading University
Analog & RF Circuit and System Research Center


게시물 검색
연구실적 목록
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24 Yohan Kim and SoYoung Kim A Process-Aware Compact Model for GIDL-Assisted Erase Optimization of 3-D V-NAND Flash Memory IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices vol. 70, no. 4 202303 SCI ICDS
23 Hyunjoon Jeong, Sangmin Woo, Jinyoung Choi, Hyungmin Cho, Yohan Kim, Jeong-Taek Kong?and SoYoung Kim Fast and Expandable ANN-Based Compact Model and Parameter Extraction for Emerging Transistors ?IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society Vol. 11 202302 SCI ICDS
22 GiWon Kim and SoYoung Kim Design of Packaged Multi-radius Multi-path Solenoidal Inductor for Redistribution Layers Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science vol.22, no.6 202212 SCI ICDS
21 Machine-Learning-Based Compact Modeling for sub-3-nm-Node Emerging Transistor MDPI Electronics vol.11, no.17 202209 SCI ICDS
20 Songkil Yoo and SoYoung Kim Leakage Optimization of the Buried Oxide Substrate of Nanosheet Field-Effect Transistors IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices vol.69, no. 8 202208 SCI ICDS
19 TaeWoong Kim and SoYoung Kim Electronic design automation requirements for R2R printing foundry Flexible and Printed Electronics vol.7, no.1 202202 SCI ICDS
18 JunHa Suk, ChanYeop Ahn, S M Mojahidul Ahsan and SoYoung Kim A stable 4-bit ALU design for printed devices Flexible and Printed Electronics vol.7, no.1 202201 SCI ICDS
17 TaeWoong Kim, YoungBong Han, Hung Khac Le, JongWan Shim, KwangMo Yang, BumHee Bae, and SoYoung… Periodic Ground Structure for C-PHY Signaling in Mobile Application Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science vol.21, no.5 202110 SCI ICDS
16 Hung Khac Le, Hoang Van Nguyen, Youngbong Han, and SoYoung Kim Built-in Ring Transmission Line Structure for Signal Integrity Optimization of PAM4 Signaling in PCBs IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic compatibility vol. 63, no. 6 202106 SCI ICDS
15 Hung Khac Le, SoYoung Kim Machine Learning Based Energy-Efficient Design Approach for Interconnects in Circuits and Systems vol11, no. 3 202101 SCI ICDS